API Documentation
- Introduction
- Endpoints
- Customers
- Payment Methods
- Payment Requests
Get All Payment Methods
Returns a list of all Payment Method objects corresponding to the merchant.
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
Last four digits of account number for linked Bancolombia account.
Account type for linked Bancolombia account.
Document number for linked Bancolombia account owner.
Document type for linked Bancolombia account owner.
Name of the linked Bancolombia account owner.
Link for authorization. Only available while payment method status is "pending".
Account number for payment method.
Account type for payment method.
, checking
Enum of all available banks for direct debit through the Palomma API.
, coofinep
, avvillas
, cotrafa
, confiar
, union
, nequi
, bancoagrario
, bancoomeva
, bancamia
, coopcentral
, citibank
, bancodeoccidente
, falabella
, bancodebogota
, bancocajasocial
, serfinanza
, cfa
, coltefinanciera
, pichincha
, iris
, ban100
, bancopopular
, daviplata
, bancolombia
, finandina
, scotiabankcolpatria
, gnbsudameris
, itau
, bbva
, davivienda
, mibanco
, multibank
, mundomujer
, procreditcolombia
, bancow
, bancoldex
, juriscoop
, itauhelm
, jpmorgancolombia
ISO string when the payment method was created.
Colombian ID number for customer.
Colombian ID type for customer.
, ce
, nit
Customer’s email.
First and last name for a natural person, and company name for a juridical person.
Reference to the customer who owns this payment method.
Unique identifier for this payment method.
Account number for linked Nequi Account.
Status of the payment method. 'pending' indicates the payment method is not yet available for payment requests. 'active' indicates the payment method is available for payment requests. 'error' indicates an error confirming the bank account, usually when bank info is incorrect or customer info doesn’t match with the bank account owner’s.
, active
, error
Type of payment method created. Can be "bankAccount" for an account that transacts through traditional slower banking rails, "bancolombiaInstant", or "nequiInstant" for tokenized instant payment accounts.
, bancolombiaInstant
, nequiInstant
ISO string when the payment method was last updated.