General information of Palomma API
Base URLs
We have a sandbox and production environment. You can use the sandbox environment, which doesn’t touch real money, for testing changes before deploying them to a stage that uses our production environment:
You should have received an API key from the onboarding process. To authenticate your merchant, include an Authentication header on each request:
The Palomma direct debit API relies on 3 main concepts: Customers, Payment Methods, and Payment Request. Before using the API to generate a direct debit payment request, a merchant begins by creating a customer, then adds a payment method to the customer, and finally creates a payment request from the payment method.
contain personal information that identifies an individual, such as email, government ID, etc. They can have multiple Payment Methods
, which contain payment information such as bank account information, associated to them. Payment Requests
, which contain information about a specific charge from the merchant to a customer’s payment method, are initiated from an active payment method that was created by the merchant that is trying to charge the customer.
The endpoints below allow creation, querying and fetching of each one of the main API concepts.